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Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers

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Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers - Pixie Tunes #1 Award Winning Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers

Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers

Pregnancy is a very precious and amazing time for you and your baby. Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and the stages of pregnancy are divided into 3 trimesters. Each trimester is a little longer than 13 weeks.

You will see lots of changes within yourself during the first trimester that includes tiredness, back pain, morning sickness and mood swings. By the time you are in the second trimester some of these symptoms go away and you will notice symptoms like body aches, tingling hands and swelling of your ankles, fingers or face. In the third trimester you may also experience symptoms like pee more often than regular, trouble sleeping, the baby moving in your lower abdomen and sometime contractions.

Now that you’re pregnant, taking care of yourself has never been more important. Here’s how to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.

Eat well; Eat at least 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks every day. Now that you’re eating for two, you need an additional 300 additional calories per day. Try to maintain a well-balanced diet that includes lean meat, fruits, lots of vegetables, whole grain bread, low fat dairy products. Choose foods that have important vitamins for your baby, such as calcium, iron, and folate.

Because your growing baby’s calcium needs are high, you should increase your calcium consumption to prevent a loss of calcium from your own bones. For good source of calcium include in your food items like tofu, beans, dark green vegetables, almonds etc.

Take about 30 mg of iron every day or body can’t make enough red blood cells. Iron-rich foods include eggs, red meat, salmon, dried beans, breakfast cereals that are iron fortified etc.

It’s important to get enough folic acid during early pregnancy that reduces your baby’s risk of developing neural tube birth defects. Most multivitamins contain folic acid and , your health care provider can tell you to take a prenatal vitamin that contains the right amount of folic acid.

Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Cut back on caffeine. It has no nutritive value and makes it harder for your body to absorb iron, something pregnant women are already low on.

Stop smoking. It increases the risk of miscarriage, growth problems, placental abruption, and premature delivery.

Avoid alcohol and drugs that can cause severe abnormalities in a developing fetus.

Exercise regularly It is a great way to reduce stress and help ease aches and pains, improve circulation in your legs, and help you handle the physical stress of labor. You can ease your stress by playing music for baby in womb. You can buy pregnancy headphones for your womb music.

While you are pregnant its a great idea to connect with your baby using baby bump headphones. Pixie Tunes #1 Award Winning Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers for mom’s to play baby music in womb, fetus music, and even play classical music unborn babies. These baby bump headphones make a great gift for mom to be and can play womb music. Pixie Tunes Belly Headphones (Ear Buds for Belly) are comfortable, easy to use and very safe. They are compatible with all cell phones, tablets and mp3 players.

Chose from one of 3 Award winning Pixie Tunes Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers.

Pixie Tunes Ear Buds for Belly – Baby Bump Pregnancy Music Speakers
Pixie Tunes Premium Award Winning Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers, Green
Pixie Tunes Ear Buds for Belly – Baby Bump Pregnancy Music Speakers
Pixie Tunes Premium Award Winning Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers, White
Pixie Tunes Ear Buds for Belly - Baby Bump Pregnancy Music Speakers
Pixie Tunes Elite Baby Bump Headphone & Pregnancy Speaker Adapter

Pixie Tunes #1 Award Winning Baby Bump Headphones & Pregnancy Speakers
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